Kuhli Loaches

Kuhlie Loaches or "coolie loaches" are one of my favorite fish in the world! They are so fun to have and add a very unique aspect to any aquarium. They remind me of little wiener dogs because of their elongated bodies, and  they look like they are "sniffing" like a dog as they search for food. These little guys love to hide under my sponge filters and don't come out when I have their light on. As soon as I turn off the aquarium light, they start to inch out from under their hiding places and are very fun to watch! Kuhli loaches need several hiding places to be happy. I made an artificial cave out of PVC pipe for mine to hide in. They used to stay there most of the day until I added some sponge filters to my aquarium, and now they love to hide under those. 

 Here is one of my kuhli loaches hiding under a sponge filter...

 Another Kuhli loach hiding under a sponge filter.

 I took this one after the aquarium light was off for a while. A ghost shrimp snuck in for the shot!

This guy was just chillin in the corner.